With Kintone your marketing team can:
Track the development & impact of your campaigns in one place
Organize what your team is working on, from individual tasks to entire campaigns, and then track their impact all from Kintone’s centralized platform. Get the big picture you need at a glance while being able to easily drill down to the details to see what needs improvement.

Manage content creation and approval with ease
Use Kintone’s drag-and-drop builder to design a custom content production process that tracks all the info you need: assignee, deadline, files, links, and more. You can also create an approval process around your tasks to ensure content is signed off on before it goes out.

Generate custom reports for detailed analysis
Identify data trends and campaign results with Kintone’s visual reporting features. Create real-time custom reports illustrated in charts and graphs–and then save them for quick access at the click of a button. Spend less time aggregating your reports and more time acting on them.